We are nearing the end of the holidays and we will soon be welcoming a new year. The arrival of a new year is a time to be hopeful and believe in better days ahead.

You must have a positive mindset and believe in positive change. It is also important to prepare your home for the coming year. One of the best things you can do is give your windows a thorough and proper cleaning.

It’s important to do it correctly. It’s not difficult, but it is important to ensure that your windows are clean and ready for the new year.

Here are the top five window cleaning arlington tx tips to help you get through the New Year. This will ensure that your windows are in top shape for the occasion.

Tip #1: Use a strip applicator when washing your windows

When washing windows, you will need to use a strip application. You will need to clean your windows outside more thoroughly than you do the inside. Using paper towels and similar products won’t suffice.

A strip applicator is necessary to properly clean your windows’ outside. The strip applicator is a handheld tool with a strip that can absorb soap and water. This makes cleaning your windows much more enjoyable.

Tip #2: Dry off any dribbles

A second window cleaning tip is to ensure that any water drips are dried off. You might find water drops around the glass edges of your windows. Use a damp, wrung-dry cloth to wipe the water off the glass.

Chamois will absorb any wetness and leave no trace. There will be no streaks or marks. Then wipe it off and allow the windowsill to dry completely.

Tip #3: Use a squeezegee

A squeegee is a great way to get rid of water and suds from your windows. You can use it quickly and efficiently.

Begin by taking out your squeegee. Next, start at the top left of your window. Next, you will need to move the squeegee backwards over your window. After each stroke, wipe the squeegee with a clean cloth. Use lint-free cloths.

Tip #4: Focus on the Stable Spots

Some stubborn spots are difficult to get rid of. To ensure your windows are clean, you need to pay attention to those areas. Rain that has fallen through metal screens can leave mineral streaks or hard water stains.

A fine 000 steel wool or what is also known as Barkeeper’s Friend can be used. These are temporary solutions. If you require something more permanent, you can use a clear coating such as 3 Star Barrier Glass Surface Protectionant.

Tip #5: Make a custom squeezegee

If you have trouble finding one that fits into a window with a divided light, you can make your own.

You can cut the channel with a hacksaw so it fits perfectly in your window panes. The channel should be about 1/4 inch wider than the window pane. Fill the channels with smooth material. Use a utility knife to cut the rubber blade so it is the same width as the windowpane.

These top 5 window cleaning tips will help you bring in the New Year with clean windows.